For 40 years, Juicy Juice® has brought out the smiles in families. All of our beverages are made from the finest ingredients and with kids’ tastes in mind. Made with real fruit picked at its ripest, juiciest peak and no high fructose corn syrup, it’s no wonder Juicy Juice has been trusted by families for generations.
Juicy Juice is also offered as part of the Harvest Hill food service. To learn more please visit the Food Service section of our website.
*Juice Juicy Berry Lemonade contains 17 grams and Watermelon contains 18 grams of sugar compared to the leading juice at 28 grams of sugar per 8 oz serving.
**Kids need 1-2 cups of fruit per day. While most of their daily servings should come from whole fruits, Juicy Juice can help too!